Leviticus Studio

Leviticus Studio     

check out this Live concert recorded at Leviticus Studio

School Of Thought.. January 26th 2012


Leviticus uses his studio to host his jams called Leviticus Orchestra

The jams facilitate people to interact and have fun while engaging in collaborative art and music making.  As the night progresses, the creative energies are flowing and all participants are enabled to release their own creative demons in positive directions.
LEVITICUS Orchestra is live video streamed Thursday September 1st 2011
you can host your event in a room filled with sculptures

"The Arena" 
You can host your party with us! 

the gallery area

 About the Space

The space has 2 levels, about 1,200 sf total, and designed to hold about 60 people. 
Our space is set up for hosting events.   It can be rented as a venue for you to enjoy a unique ambiance.
We have a full sound system and can provide you with all the art supplies needed to start all those creative juices flowing…
Full bar and vegetarian menu options can be included for additional fees.
For pricing and booking contact us at leviticuscorp@gmail.com

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Previous Spaces and Events

Glasshouse Gallery

owned and operated by Leviticus

Glasshouse Gallery was a 2,000 square foot art studio used as a venue for 
concerts, parties, performances,and various social events
Glasshouse Gallery was filled with art.

“The goal was to go throughout New York City and get people involved in experiential art, which is art created for ... [Glass House co-founder] Leviticus would dress up in paint suits ...

bands play...surrounded by creative energy

people felt free to be themselves... the studio was a giant painting
LEVITICUS builds giant sculptures and canvases for people to paint on... the room lookes like a wet dream
people get lost in the creativity of the environment

a band plays at a party

everyone felt free to express themselves
people would make art and participate in the evolution of the space

Glasshouse Gallery closed its doors in 2006
Leviticus dedicated himself to public art full time
He created Leviticus corporation

a Leviticus Corporation project 2007-2008
an event space...

Leviticus studio was an event space ..
800 square feet.. primarily used to create and
distribute public art

It is used for parties and art shows

 people enjoy being in an
artistic environment.. creating and having fun

the public art surrounding the room serves as the environment..
  the art is distributed as advertisement and new art is created
The art becomes merchandise..
Guitars and sculptures are painted
they are sold as Leviticus product

all objects are available for sale

the space was rented out for photo shoots, partie

Leviticus studio closed its doors in 2008
Leviticus dedicated his time to promoting his advertising company